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Can Medical Insurance Cover Sleep Apnea Treatment?

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlisk @ 9:46 pm
patient talking to dentist about medical insurance

Do you wake up feeling groggy after a full night of rest? Are you constantly feeling exhausted throughout the day? If so, you may have recently decided it’s time to take action. Like many, you start by researching online and quickly realize that you might have sleep apnea. While the condition is treatable, you’re probably wondering if you can afford sleep apnea treatment in Raleigh. Fortunately, if you have medical insurance, there’s a good chance you can receive the care you need without straining your finances. Read on to learn more!

What Are the Stages of Sleep Apnea Treatment?

First things first, you need to have a solid grasp on the sleep apnea treatment process to fully understand how medical insurance can help you afford this solution. The initial step is usually to visit your doctor, who then refers you to a sleep specialist for a sleep test. If diagnosed with sleep apnea, you can begin treatment, which might include CPAP therapy, oral appliance therapy, or, in rare cases, corrective surgery.

Will Medical Insurance Cover Everything?

Sleep apnea poses a significant health risk, which is why medical insurance generally covers sleep apnea treatment. Your insurance benefits may apply to all stages of treatment, including exams, testing, treatment, and follow-up visits. Whether you receive treatment from a sleep doctor or a sleep dentist (who provides oral appliances worn during sleep), medical insurance can potentially help manage the costs.

This can be confusing for those with dental insurance, especially when treated by a dentist. However, medical insurance is applicable because the dentist is addressing a medical issue rather than a dental one.

Getting Started with Sleep Apnea Treatment

To use your medical insurance for sleep apnea treatment, start by reviewing your policy to understand what is and isn’t covered. If the policy language is unclear, contact your provider or consult your doctor’s team for clarification. They can help outline your coverage, so you know what to expect in terms of out-of-pocket costs at each step of the process.

With medical insurance, sleep apnea treatment becomes easily affordable, and the benefits of treatment far outweigh the investment. Better sleep can lead to improved overall health, increased energy, and a higher quality of life.

About the Author

Dr. Philip A. Lisk brings over 20 years of dental experience to his practice, where he provides high-quality care to patients in North Raleigh and surrounding communities. In addition to offering a comprehensive range of services, Dr. Lisk specializes in providing oral appliances for treating sleep apnea. If you have any questions about using your medical insurance, visit our website or call (919) 336-1548 for personal assistance.

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