Uh Oh! Why Do My Dental Implants Feel Sensitive?
November 21, 2024
When you have dental implants, it makes a certain amount of sense that they shouldn’t feel anything. After all, despite looking and working just like your natural ones, your dental implants aren’t real teeth. Thus, if you experience any type of sensitivity in them, it could be alarming. Here’s what could be causing these sensations, and what you should do when they happen.
Possible Causes of Dental Implant Sensitivity
There are several issues that could be responsible for making you feel sensitivity in the areas surrounding your dental implants, including:
- Gum infection/ peri-implantitis: Illnesses like gum disease are still possible with dental implants, as is a condition called peri-implantitis, an infection of the gum tissues surrounding the implant post. These can both occur if you do not brush and floss properly and could lead to implant failure.
- Impaction: This occurs when food or debris becomes stuck between your teeth or under your dental implants and may cause pain or sensitivity that feels like it’s coming from the implant itself. If you cannot clear away the debris on your own, call your dentist for assistance.
- Crowding: Sometimes your dental implants can be installed too close to each other or to your natural teeth, and the pressure could cause sensitivity and discomfort. Your dentist will need to evaluate your bite to determine if this is the cause of your sensitivity.
- Tissue or nerve damage: While this may occur during the implantation process, it is typically temporary and will clear up on its own. In some cases, however, it may be permanent.
- Allergic reaction: While this is rare, it is still possible for patients to be allergic to the titanium implant post or the cement used to glue the crown to the implant abutment. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction, your dentist may need to remove your implant or some of the cement holding the tooth in place.
What Should I Do if I Notice Dental Implant Sensitivity?
Should you experience any sensation in the area surrounding your dental implants, contact your dentist at your earliest convenience for assistance. Doing so in a timely manner will not only hopefully help correct this sensitivity, but it could also help save your dental implant from failing. Additional warning signs of impending failure include:
- Obvious sensitivity or discomfort
- Swollen gums
- Loose implants
- Inflammation/ tender gums
- Gum recession
- Pain or difficulty chewing
While there is unfortunately no way to guarantee that your failing dental implant can be saved, a timely intervention could help prevent it. Should your implant need to be removed, you may still be able to redo it following gum disease treatment or a bone graft procedure. Thus, if you notice any sensitivity in your implant or the surrounding areas, contact your dentist at once for an urgent appointment!
About Dr. Lisk
Dr. Philip A. Lisk enjoys helping solve his patients’ oral health dilemmas, including restoring their smile after permanent tooth loss. If you are missing teeth and are interested in replacing them with the help of beautiful, durable dental implants, let Dr. Lisk assist you in bringing back your healthy smile.
To schedule a consultation for dental implants, or if you are experiencing any discomfort or sensitivity with a current implant, please give us a call at 919-870-6892, or visit our website.
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